[KBibTeX] biber
Boris Barbour
2009-08-17 22:59:05 UTC

In case the list is unaware of this, you might be interested to know about a
serious bibtex replacement that is under development, called biber

It will ultimately use a new xml format.

It is being written by Philipp Lehmann (who has is also developing biblatex
http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/entries/biblatex.html )

Best wishes,

Thomas Fischer
2009-09-22 07:26:44 UTC
Hello Boris,
Post by Boris Barbour
In case the list is unaware of this, you might be interested to know
about a serious bibtex replacement that is under development, called
biber http://biblatex-biber.sourceforge.net/
It will ultimately use a new xml format.
It is being written by Philipp Lehmann (who has is also developing biblatex
http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/entries/biblatex.html )
Thank you for the tip. I already considered to support biblatex, i.e.
its new database as explained in biblatex's documentation in chapter 2.
Writing an import/export filter should not be too hard as the file
format is more structured and better documented as BibTeX is/was.

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